Small furry creature from squirrel family will definitely bring excitement, happiness to any human being who spots them. Found in high altitude region of Himalayas.


Marmots hibernate for a considerably long duration of approx 6-8 months with no stored food. They tend to lose more than 50% of the weight during hibernation. The burrows can be as long as 30 feet. These are herbivores and mostly feed of natural vegetation. Being very shy in nature, a slight hint of any human presence around will lead them back their burrows or between the huge rocks. Capturing these swift mammals is a very difficult task as they manage to beat your shutter speed.

At some busy routes these mammals have become friendly with humans as they get food in exchange of staying within the frame. People tend to feed them to capture an image/ selfie, while they enjoy the delicacies from plains.

These delicacies are not good for these mammals, as they tend to stop searching and consuming their regular food and stays out of their burrows for long hours, which poses a serious threat from predators and definitely from humans as well.

Article from India times – click here


During our trip we were lucky to spot them on the way to Rungdum monastery in Suru valley


We had seen so many of them that after a time we lost the count. Multiple failed attempts were made to get them in frame. Then we stopped the car, turned off engine and rolled down the window panes and patiently waited for them. The patience paid off and we managed to click couple of images. We didn’t step out of the vehicle as it might scare them off and we would lose the view of such a beautiful creature. Watching them was so peaceful and heart melting that we didn’t even cared to capture more images. It was such a delight to watch them run around, play and cuddle among themselves.


Marmots have been spotted multiple times on the way to Pangong lake, after Khardungla towards Nubra valley and many other places.

Request to all – if you ever spot a marmot don’t run after them to catch them or click them, Don’t feed them with biscuits, chips etc. Let them live in their natural habitat without any fear. Though this mammal is harmless but on one can predict how a living creature would react to defend itself.


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